Helix QAC Dashboard Installation Notes
Hardware and System Specifications
Helix QAC Dashboard is a web-based client-server environment, and the recommended hardware and system
specifications cover the server machine, the build & publish environment, and the client web browser.
Specification of the Helix QAC Dashboard server machine.
64-bit machine architectures are supported for Linux and Windows platforms.
- The minimum recommended RAM memory is 8 GBytes on a 64-bit deployment
- Supported OS versions: Windows 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
All OS versions are
supported up to their maintenance end-of-life dates.
Hard disk space allocation should meet the desired size and number of snapshots across
all projects. Snapshot size can be up to 30% of the source analysis output file size
depending on project configuration. Computation of the necessary disk space for each
managed project is a multiplier of this volume by the intended number of saved
- A multi-core machine (4 or more cores) is strongly recommended in order to take
advantage of the multi-threading of internal server tasks.
- A server machine not more than 3 years old is strongly recommended for any
performance-sensitive operation.
- Virtual machine deployment is supported only if the virtual partition provides resources
equivalent to the minimum stated standalone machine specification.
If connection to a VCS is required to access source code for projects, each supported
VCS needs to be installed on the server sufficient for source code access operations.
Retrieval of source code and code differences may involve intensive parallel VCS
command-line operations, especially if not using caches.
- A modern network should suffice, and speed must be adequate to meet the expected volume
of web client access, and also for interactions with the VCS repository.
Specification of build & snapshot publish machine/environment.
- 64-bit architecture is supported with minimum 4 GBytes RAM memory.
Linux and Windows platform versions are provided.
There is no restriction in terms of platform or architecture for the selection of the
software build and publish machine(s) and the Helix QAC Dashboard server machine.
- Snapshot import and publish operations can be separately deployed across multiple
machines operating in an automated build environment.
- The minimum screen resolution for Configuration GUI and Project Upload Console is 1024 x
768 pixels.
If connection to a VCS is required for projects, each supported VCS needs to be
installed on the build machine(s) sufficient for various entity-based information
Retrieval of various information for each file entity may involve intensive parallel VCS
command-line operations.
- A modern network should suffice, and network speed must be adequate for the expected
volume and frequency of server data uploads, and also for interactions with the VCS
Specification of web browsers for client viewing.
- Chrome and Firefox browsers are fully supported; Internet Explorer is supported at a
reduced level.
- Chrome and Firefox should be at the latest versions, according to automatic updates. In
the case of Internet Explorer, major versions are supported only within their
maintenance end-of-life dates and with all service packs applied.
Browser scalability limits, which indicate the levels at which browser performance will
progressively deteriorate due to inherent handling of large numbers of HTML <div>
entries and other factors:
- 20,000 lines per source file.
- 100,000 diagnostics per source file.
Internet Explorer is not recommended for performance-sensitive operations due to its
inherent load-handling characteristics.